Quotes That I Live By
Quotes That I Live By

1) “There are no secrets, but the truth is buried under a Sea of Lies. You just need to know where to look”
2) “It's not about who you are during the first impression, it's about who you were when you are no longer around.”
3) “Just realize that the average person is dumb, and that half of them are even dumber”
4) “Doing something that you're passionate about doesn't feel like a job, but part of who you are”
5) “Curiosity should be handled with prudence, but Ignorance is more dangerous than Curiosity”.
6) “A happy life is one filled with passion and dedication”.
7) “Intelligence is not what you know or how much knowledge you have,
but about the way you use it, like how easily and quickly you learn new things and solve problems”.
but about the way you use it, like how easily and quickly you learn new things and solve problems”.
8) “A person can still be mentally challenged and still have a degree or high paying job.”
9) “Knowledge is a great power, that can open doors towards dreams & desires”
10) “No dream or goal is too far or impossible to reach! The path may be filled with stressful & painful obstacles, but when you reach your goals? The feeling of accomplishment is worth the misery and suffering”
11) “If you’re going to do something? Do it with style! The more the glamour the more the badassery”
12) “Never go out with a whimper, but with a bang. Shining like a shooting star with a blaze of glory”
13) “When you’re at the end of your rope? Tie a knot & hold on”
14) “Never cry over difficult problems, stand up, find or create solutions. Have a propitious mind, with a gold heart inside an iron will.”
15) ”When life hands you lemons, cut it into slices and rub the juice in their eyes”
16) “If the Opportunity presents itself in an intuitive circumstance? Take It!”
17) “If you desire for something in life? Don't go part way, or halfway? Go all out, beyond your desires and perspectives”
18) “Never keep your hopes too high, never keep them too low either”
19) “Relying on others just never works, always be prepared to be let down or betrayed”
20) “If you want something done right or to your standards? Do it yourself and it will be worry free”
21) “Stars don't shine on their own! Stars require the necessary resources and the assertive effort to accomplish what they strive to become”
22) “If you keep landing on the shoots after climbing the ladders of Life, and are sent back several steps from the finish line? Don't give up on the goal keep playing life's game of Shoots and Ladders!”
23) “The only regret is the regret of not knowing what could have been”
24) “Success isn't measured by what could’ve been, but by what you strive to succeed in. Successful results come from the desideration to succeed in what you want, not by what little effort put in! You have to put everything you have in order to truly succeed in what you want.”
25) “Always ask yourself, who are you? What do you desire? Why do you want it? How can you be it?”
26) “Dopamine is released during the pleasure of accomplishment. The reward from this is gaining new insight, self-respect, dignity & respect from others through being passionate about what you want”
27) “So, everyone thinks this about me; you say? I’m sorry but I’ve never met all these people you speak of, & I believe neither have you!”
28) “If something can go wrong? Chance is that it’ll go wrong”
29) “If the hurricane of Life is trying to blow you away from where you are in life? Bring a rope and tie it up securely. Hold onto it until the storm subsides”
30) “It's not the size of the dog in the fight that wins, but the size of the Fight In The Dog”
31) “If you are always seeing troubles
and not the sunrise? Then you will never know how to be self-satisfied with yourself”
and not the sunrise? Then you will never know how to be self-satisfied with yourself”
32) “Confidence isn't measured by self Arrogance, but is measured by self competence”
33) “Don't ever base your personality on imitating another's personality traits, but embrace your own individuality”
34) “The ocean may be vast & the other continents may be beyond your perception. Yet it's not impossible to get to on your own. Build a raft & paddle through your obstacles”
35) “Those who seek trouble tend to find it, and those that seek auspiciousness tend to find it”
36) “The majority of people live their lives with self inflicted misery & incompetency”
37) “The majority of Humans are Solipsistic & Superficial”
38) “I’m a Lover & a Fighter, for isn’t love worth fighting for?!”
39) “If you can't trust yourself with obligations, how can you trust others to meet your own”
40) “Just because someone else has it, doesn't mean you need it”
41) “When you’re who you say you are? You’ll never look badly”
42) “Reality in existence is based on 2 things; Logical Facts & Reasonable Possibilities in existence”
43) "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
44) ”Relax and Enjoy Your life, Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere. Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.”
45) “You can kick the dog as much as you like, but don’t be surprised if it fights back”
46) “The quality of the survivalist posses The Spirit of the Wolf, the Heart of the Lion, the Mind of the Hawk, the Muscle of the Grizzly”
47) “Life is not a destination, life is an expedition”
48) “At times a lone wolf, at times a leader of the wolves”
49) “Being free and in control of one's own destiny, being the support for all of the others to survive”
50) “The Strength Of The Pack Is The Wolf, The Strength Of The Wolf Is The Pack”
51) “Warriors Care Not About How Long They Live, Warriors Care About How They’ will Die”
52) ”If They Stand Behind you, protect them. If They Stand beside you, respect them. If They Stand against you, defeat them.”
53) ”Be Strong enough to stand alone, Be yourself enough to stand apart, But be wise enough to stand together when the time comes”
54) ”Have the courage to be the savior of the oppressed, the weak and the shunned"
55) ”Be resilient enough to defeat your inner demons, and all the imprudent, from the invidious morals that they have made?"
56) "The bold are helpless without the cleverness”
57) ”Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm! The wolf whispers back, I am the storm!”
58) “When you are the one driving your own life? You ’will accomplish more than if you let other people drive your life”
59) “Always Hope for the Best, but Prepare for the Worst”
60) “Some people are brought into this life to build, while others to destroy”
61) ”If you approach your life with honesty and dignity, you will learn and grow”.
62) "Troubles will come, and self improvement will follow, then the troubles will pass"
63) "Everything looks good on paper, until it is put into action"
62) "Troubles will come, and self improvement will follow, then the troubles will pass"
63) "Everything looks good on paper, until it is put into action"